Friday, June 20, 2008

Travelography #116: Carry-On Baggage Police + Other Innovations

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Stories discussed in this podcast are from the Travelography Twitter Blog for the week of 16 June 2008:

  1. Olympic Fever in Xinjiang

    With the Beijing Olympic torch expected in Xinjiang on its nationwide tour, authorities have also confiscated the passports of some Muslims, Uighurs told AFP. "They are afraid people might travel abroad and join some sort of plot against the Olympics,"

  2. Murders prompt warning to Jamaica tourists

    After three people were murdered in Jamaica last weekend, travellers to the island were warned not to hire self-drive cars but instead to take organised tours and taxis.

  3. Orbitz to automatically refund travelers when their airfares drop

    If that happens, Orbitz will issue a refund for the difference, between $5 and $250 per traveler. Orbitz will continue tracking until the day of the customer's flight. Each time the price drops and another customer books, the refund amount will increase.

  4. Turkish private airline restarts regular flights to Nothern Iraq

    Although Arbil is a high-risk area in terms of security, charter companies have always been interested in flying to the region because of the high profitability.

  5. The carry-on-baggage police will soon be out in force at US airports

    American and United will station airline employees or hired contract workers at entrances to security screening lanes to intercept customers exceeding the carry-on limit of one bag small enough to fit in an overhead bin and one personal item like a purse>

  6. 60 percent of couples fight on holiday

    The reasons for holiday tiffs differ enormously throughout Europe. With their latin temperaments, the Spanish are especially prone to react aggressively to their partners’ flirting: 60 percent of them named jealousy as the reason for arguments.

  7. Top 10 travel innovations of the past 10 years

    So many ideas came in that they put the 20 finalists to a vote at - results: Online maps, Digital cameras, Online checkin, GPS, Worldwide ATMs, Cell phones, Global Internet access, TripAdvisor, Online booking, and Roller bags