No news items for this week. For weekly travel news, please visit my weekly Travelography podcast.
Rather than news, I discuss an article from my Tourism Geographies journal on the topic of travel and geographical (actually mapping) knowledge. The full reference for that article is:
- Poria, Yaniv; Atzaba-Poria, Naama; and Barrett, Martyn. 2005. Research Note: The Relationship Between Children's Geographical Knowledge and Travel Experience: An Exploratory Study. Tourism Geographies 7(4):389-397.
The main topic then switches to issues of private and public goods, and the justification for government planning and regulation. The goal in this discussion is to define the role of government in planning for tourism in a community -- and the responsibility of the private sector in its reliance on public resources for tourism development. A bit theoretical, but I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers - Alan
(Length: 27min 0min)